Aztec Bliss


A rich and delightful way to experience a psychedelic journey. Aztec Bliss perfectly combines psilocybin mushrooms with cacao for a “hot chocolate” unlike any other.

Aztec Bliss is our take on the Aztec Combo. Psilocybin mushrooms combined with cacao blend perfectly to create a blissful state. One known chemical found in cacao is anandamide, which is also found naturally in the brain and gives a general sense of relaxation, happiness and bliss. This combination is the inspiration for our Aztec Bliss, creating a psychedelic journey unlike any other.

1 TBS Organic Cacao

1 gram Psilocybin Mushrooms

1 Tsp Sugar

Pinch of Salt and Cayenne pepper

One package is One serving.




1.Prepare your space for the experience. Pillows, blankets, music, eye masks, snacks, lighting…

2.Use approx 1 cup of  hot water, not boiling, to add your mix to.  (boiling water can degrade some of the psychoactive properties so let stand for a few mins if you’ve boiled it) 

3.Let sit for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.   (Option to add milk of choice here)

4.While you wait, set your intentions for your journey… Be it a question, a feeling, or an experience you’d like to have.  This can be something that happens after your journey as well, something you’d like to carry forward into your life, post-trip.

5.When you are ready to drink the cacao, give thanks to the medicine.  Allow yourself to close your eyes and breathe for a moment while you connect to its power. 


You should begin to feel the effects rather quickly – maybe 30 mins or so. The trip should last approx 4 hours so be sure you have your day/evening free. 

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